Genital Surgery – Male

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The procedure to fix deformations that has occurred in the genital area due to aging, genetics, putting on or losing weight. Genital surgeries for males include penile implant surgery, penis enlargement, thickening, building the scrotum and more.

Penile Enlargement (Surgery)

Penile enlargement surgery is a part of genital surgery in South Kolkata where the length of the penis is enhanced that involves cutting the suspensory ligament. Apart from this, the skin is also shifted from the abdomen to the shaft of the penis. After cutting the ligament, the penis becomes longer. But the procedure of penile enlargement does not change the actual size of the penis.
Penile Enlargement
Penile Enlargement

Penile Enlargement (Surgery)

Penile enlargement surgery is a part of genital surgery in South Kolkata where the length of the penis is enhanced that involves cutting the suspensory ligament. Apart from this, the skin is also shifted from the abdomen to the shaft of the penis. After cutting the ligament, the penis becomes longer. But the procedure of penile enlargement does not change the actual size of the penis.
Penile Enlargement

Penile Enlargement (P-Shot PRP)

The P-Shot is another type of genital surgery which includes taking platelet-rich plasma from the blood and injecting into the penis. With the help of this procedure, the doctor takes your tissues and cells and injects into the penile tissues to promote growth of tissue and helps in better erections. This treatment focuses on healing and enabling platelet-rich plasma growth factors as a stimulator.

Penile Enlargement (Fat Grafting)

Fat Grafting is a section of male genital surgery in Kolkata, where a surgeon removes fat cells from the fatty area of the body and injects those into the shaft of the penis. The penis enlargement process by transferring fat is a minimally invasive plastic surgery that enhances penile length and girth. It is considered to be one of the most common techniques used for lengthening the penile girth.
Dr. Anirban Ghosh | Services
Dr. Anirban Ghosh | Services

Penile Enlargement (Fat Grafting)

Fat Grafting is a section of male genital surgery in Kolkata, where a surgeon removes fat cells from the fatty area of the body and injects those into the shaft of the penis. The penis enlargement process by transferring fat is a minimally invasive plastic surgery that enhances penile length and girth. It is considered to be one of the most common techniques used for lengthening the penile girth.
Dr. Anirban Ghosh | Services

Cosmetic Circumcision (Stapler)

It is an alternative technique which uses a surgical stapler to cut and seal the cut edge of skin instead of using conventional sutures. The stapler consists of throw cutting, and a disposable use which helps in cutting the foreskin circumferential and two rows and these are applied. This genital process procedure can be executed within 5 minutes under local anesthesia.


Scrotoplasty is a process where a surgeon removes one or both testicles from the scrotum. It is done when a young infant’s penis is attached to the scrotum due to an excessive layer of skin, and this condition is called a buried penis. This is an outpatient operation executed under general anesthesia that takes nearly 1-2 hours.
Dr. Anirban Ghosh | Services
Dr. Anirban Ghosh | Services


Scrotoplasty is a process where a surgeon removes one or both testicles from the scrotum. It is done when a young infant’s penis is attached to the scrotum due to an excessive layer of skin, and this condition is called a buried penis. This is an outpatient operation executed under general anesthesia that takes nearly 1-2 hours.

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